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What We Are Learning!


We are almost at the end of our "mass and capacity" unit in maths. Last week, we incorporated some active learning into our maths lesson and had a go at combining masses that are equivalent to one kilogram! In Science this week, we have also enjoyed heading outside to collect some rocks to start off our new "rocks" unit. We took them back to the classroom and had a go at describing their physical properties using our scientific vocabulary!




To finish off our fractions learning last week, we used the cuisenaire rods to explore equivalent fractions! We discovered that 1 whole can represent any value and this means that the fractions of that amount also change! 



We have been enjoying learning all about fractions and scales in Maths! In our most recent lesson, we used bead strings to represent "one whole" and practiced finding different fractions within it.


We have had a brilliant first week back after the holidays! In Science this week, we were learning all about the pollination of plants by wind and insect pollination. To show the process of insects collecting and delivering pollen from plant to plant, we decided to act it out! 


It is Science Week this week and we have been exploring the theme of "time." The whole class had fun in forest school on Tuesday, where we made our very own sun dials. We discussed how sun dials use the sun to help us measure time and how shadows are created!



We are really getting into our new topic - Groovy Greeks - where we are learning all about Ancient Greece in preparation for creating our own information leaflets in the next couple of weeks! Last week, we learnt all about Athens and Sparta and put our knowledge to the test in a giant class debate!



Last week, we worked very hard in English and Maths! In English, we had a go at highlighting key dates and information about the Ancient Greek Olympics. In Maths, we learnt how to divide with remainders by creating different shapes and seeing how many were left over!



This week, we began our new topic - Groovy Greeks. We have had fun exploring some images of various Ancient Greek artefacts and recorded some ideas of where they might have come from, who they belonged to, and what they can tell us about life in Ancient Greece. 


At the end of last half term, we had a fabulous science lesson where we experimented with shadows and light. We tried our best to create some shadow puppets - they looked excellent! In maths, we had a go at cracking the code that Miss Cregg used to answer a super tricky multiplication question. We discussed the best method and used this to answer a similar question all by ourselves.


We have been enjoying using mirrors to show how light is reflected in Science! We also had lots of fun in English, trying to instruct Miss Cregg on how to make a jam sandwich! It was not as easy as it looked! This week we will be looking at the features of instructions and writing some of our own.


Last week, we had great fun having a go at our "decision alley" in English as part of experimenting with drama techniques to explore characters' feelings. This week, we will begin writing our own stories based on the Iron Man! We have also been researching information about the Sikh religion, including the Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh holy book!



To start off the term, we have had great fun experimenting with different ways to represent multiplication and division in maths! We had a competition to see which table could produce the best poster showing all the different ways we can model 4x8! On Friday last week, we also looked at the seasonality of different vegetables in DT, preparing to choose ingredients for our own pizza!


We have been super busy over the last few weeks! In English, we have been practising reading out loud with intonation and expression. Also, in Science, we have been experimenting with magnets and learning about how they attract and repel each other. 



In Art, we have been exploring painting with natural tools as part of our cave painting unit!


Today, the half of our class that are not in Forest School took part in a very exciting protest march as part of our school's Parliament Week. We created banners and posters and marched around the school grounds, along with our very own chants!

2/11/23 - 

Before half term, we had lots of fun creating our non-chronological reports about London landmarks in the form of posters!

10/10/23 - 

In computing, we have been exploring digital devices as part of a network! Here, we looked at what digital devices can be used for by comparing digital and real life drawings.