Welcome to Chicks R
Teachers: Mrs. S. Rashid
Teaching Assistant: Mrs. S. Shan
Hello everyone, and welcome to Chick's homepage.
Happy New Year everyone!
Time for new adventures in Chicks class.
'Off on a cold adventure!’ is our topic this half-term. We will pack up our backpacks and fly off to the polar lands of the world. Spotting penguins and polar bears, arctic foxes and orca. We will dance like penguins and cuddle up to polar bears. We will explore ice and snow. We will make up stories and invent new characters.
We will be sharing the book - 'Penguin Small' by Mick Inkpen.
Morning Lessons
In our Read Write Inc lessons, the children learn new sounds and words with the help of Fred Frog. Next comes communication time when the children listen to a story and answer questions about it. In Magic Maths, they have lots of fun developing their maths knowledge. Before dinner, we also have book time and writing.
Afternoon Lessons
Chicks start the afternoon with story time, rhyme time and Vocab Ninja. Then, depending on which day it is, we move on to RE, Music, Woodland Adventures, PE, Circle Time, Our Wonderful World, Healthy Heroes, Create and imagine and many other things! At Barden, we learn inside and outside the classroom in all different kinds of weather!
After all this excitement and learning, the children end the day with Key Person Time. In this, they sit down with a healthy snack, have a chat, and review their learning from the day.