Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium Grant is government money designed to help disadvantaged children and young people do well at school. The funding is allocated to schools for children from Reception to Year 11 who have registered for free school meals in the last six years, are in care of the local authority (Looked After) or have parents in the Armed Forces.
At Barden Primary school, we regularly analyse how well our disadvantaged pupils achieve compared with those from more affluent backgrounds. Decisions are then made based on identified priority areas.
Children need to come to school every day and at Barden Primary School we encourage high levels of attendance. We know that good attendance leads to high standards and good progress and so we allocate funding to our excellent Pastoral Lead and learning mentors who works closely with our families to ensure attendance remains high. We also allocate some funding to run attendance initiatives within school.
We know that children do best when they feel safe, calm and in control of their emotions. Consequently, at Barden Primary School we prioritise children’s emotional well-being. Our Pastoral Lead and learning mentors works closely with many of our families, giving help and advice on a range of practical difficulties as well as being a sensitive listening ear. Our nurture sessions provide social and emotional support to many pupils across school.
All pupils are entitled to the very best curriculum and learning opportunities whatever their level of ability so we ensure that our disadvantaged pupils receive help when they find learning difficult but are also offered challenges in areas where they excel. We also ensure they have the very best resources and enrichment opportunities through visits to places of interest and participation in community events.
Pupil Premium spending is reviewed each year in light of regular evaluations. Future priorities are made in response to new research as well as the school’s rigorous self-evaluation processes.
Lancashire Pupil Premium Application FormYou must apply for each of your children, siblings are not automatically added. If you would like some help with your application or would prefer to complete a paper form, please see the school office.
Department for EducationArticles and advice for children and young people.