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17/4/24 -

Our class will begin our weekly swimming lessons tomorrow (Thursday 18/04). Please ensure your child has all the appropriate equipment and return this to school each week ready for swimming every Thursday. Swimming is a vital life skill for your child, and it is important that they are able to take part. Thank you!

8/3/24 - 

Our Ancient Greek experience day will take place on Monday 11th March. Please ensure that you have paid the £6 for your child to take part on Scopay. If we do not receive full payments for all children, we will have to cancel the visit due to the school being unable to pay for or subsidise the experience. If you have any concerns, please come and see me before school on Monday. 

4/3/24 - 

It is World Book Day on Thursday! We would love it if children could come into school dressed as their favourite book character/story. If possible, it would be amazing if children could also bring their favourite stories to school so that we can discuss them as a class.

Note: Please don't feel that it is necessary to buy costumes and accessories, be creative and work with what you already have available. We look forward to hearing about everyone's favourite books!

19/2/24 -

The first session of Creativity Club is tomorrow (20/2/24). If your child has returned their consent letter, please remember that pick up will be at the main office at 4pm. The club is being run by Miss Cregg and Mrs Akhtar, if you have any questions please come and chat before school tomorrow morning, or ring the school office to pass on a message and we can get back to you.

15/11/23 - 

Please ensure that your child is dressed in bright, non-uniform clothes tomorrow for our class assembly! They must still be wearing sensible shoes so that they can play outside at playtime. E.g., trainers, school shoes. We look forward to seeing you.

13/11/23 - 

If anyone has any light up wristbands, necklaces, glasses or glowstick-type items at home - we would love to borrow them for our class assembly! Please send them in before Thursday and they will be returned home on Thursday after school. Thank you.

27/9/23 -

Falcon Forest School has now been moved to Thursday afternoons. If your child attends Forest School, please ensure they come into school wearing the appropriate clothing (e.g., leggings, old clothes, wellies). They will remain in these clothes during the day and will be sent home in them after school. Thank you!