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Reading is the best way to support your child. It helps develop their vocabulary, imagination and writing skills. Plus children love to read! We encourage children to read at home every day. When children reach 5 signatures in their reading record, they will receive a raffle ticket with a chance to win a ticket to a tea party with Mrs Holgate.

We have recently purchased new books for our children to read. Please ensure your child always brings their book back in school. Children will receive a prize for reading books from our new reading spine:

Times tables

Children being confident with their times tables will help them enormously with their maths work in class. We practise times tables in school every day, and we ask parents to support their children with this at home also. 

Children enjoy playing times table games such as hit the button and TT rockstars. If children need their login for this, please speak to me in class. 


Children will receive a list of spellings weekly to be learnt at home. We will test these spellings every Thursday in class.