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Data & Ofsted

The data below shows our internal, main school data which excludes children who attend The Nest @ Barden, who may have been disapplied from national testing. Please be aware that the data reported through, Ofsted and the LA will include data for all pupils attending Barden Primary (including pupils within The Nest @ Barden). 

KS2 SATS Results – 2023/24
  Barden Primary 2024 National Average
Combined reading, writing TA and mathematics: percentage of children achieving the expected standard 50% 61%
Reading: Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard 60% 74%
Reading: Percentage of pupils achieving greater depth 15% 28%
Writing: Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard 66% 72%
Writing: Percentage of pupils achieving greater depth 13% 12%
Mathematics: Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard 69% 73%
Mathematics: Percentage of pupils achieving greater depth 26% 23%
Grammar, punctuation and spelling: Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard 66% 72%
Grammar, punctuation and spelling: Percentage of pupils achieving greater depth 32% 31%


Early Years Foundation Stage Data 2023/24:

  • Percentage of pupils achieving a 'Good Level of Development' (GLD): 65%
  • National average for 2022: 68%
Phonics Screening Check 2023/24:
  • Percentage of Year 1 pupils passing the phonics screening check: 75%
  • National average for 2023/24 Year 1 psc: 80%
  • Percentage of Year 2 pupils passing the phonics screening check: 88%
  • National average for 2023/24 Year 2 psc: 91%
Please find below our most recent Ofsted reports and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Measures.