6- Eagles
Welcome to Eagles 6
Teacher: Mrs Arshad & Mr Coombs
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Khatun and Mrs Hameed
Welcome to Eagles
We are thrilled to welcome you and your child to Year 6—a milestone year filled with exciting opportunities for growth, learning, and discovery. This is a significant time as your child embarks on their final year of primary school, preparing for the adventures that lie ahead.
In Year 6, students will take on new challenges, develop their leadership skills, and deepen their understanding of the world around them. We are committed to providing a supportive and engaging environment where every child can thrive.
We look forward to this journey, working together to ensure that your child has a successful and memorable Year 6. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. Together, we can make this year a truly remarkable experience for your child.
Here's to an amazing Year 6!
Our Spring term 1
Welcome back to a brand-new year! We hope you had a fantastic holiday and are ready for an exciting term ahead. Here’s what our Year 6 learners will be exploring this term:
We are diving into The Wizard of Oz, a timeless piece of classic fiction. The children will analyse the story's characters, themes, and settings before working on their own innovated versions of the tale. We look forward to inviting you into school to hear their creative interpretations later in the half-term!
The children will be learning all about electricity. They will learn about making a range of circuits and including various components, including switches. We will plan, investigate and evaluate an experiment linked to voltage. We will then use our new understanding to help us in our DT project!
We can’t wait to see how the children engage with these fascinating topics. It’s going to be another term of hard work, discovery, and fun!
Linking with our science lessons on electrical circuits, the children will design and create circuits to light up an interactive quiz linked to another area of the curriculum. Within this unit, we will use computers to control our circuits and, as always, once we have finished our project, we will evaluate what we created and think of ways that it could be improved.
Our history lessons will take us back to Ancient Baghdad, a centre of innovation and knowledge during the Islamic Golden Age. The children will investigate significant discoveries and explore their profound impact on the wider world.
This term, our mathematicians will develop their skills in:
To support their learning, children will complete regular homework to consolidate their understanding of these concepts and apply them in different contexts.
Please make sure your children are secure with all times tables, up to 12 times. To help with this, please continue to practise using Times Tables Rockstars.