5- Jays
Welcome to Jays 5!
Teacher: Miss Jackson
Teaching assistant: Mrs Akhtar
What an amazing first term we've had in Year 5! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas break and are ready for all the exciting things we have planned for Spring 1!
In Reading, our class novel is The House with the Chicken Legs. We will also be reading some fascinating non-fiction texts linked to Science and Geography as well as some thought-provoking poetry.
In English, we will be using the story The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry to inspire a setting description of the Amazon Rainforest and a persuasive letter arguing against deforestation.
In Geography, we will be investigating the Amazon Rainforest. We will be locating the world's rainforests, investigating the layers of the rainforest and learning about all the animals that call the rainforest home. We will also be discussing the importance of the rainforest and how deforestation of the rainforest is a major concern.
In Science, we will be learning all about Forces. We will be carrying out a number of scientific experiments to see the impact of different forces including friction, air resistance and water resistance.
Some children will also continue to spend time in our Falcon Forest School this half-term. Please remember to wear old clothes and bring wellies on Mondays.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to come and speak to a member of our team.
For more information about our learning this half-term, please see the overview below.