4- Kingfishers
Welcome to Year 4
Teacher: Miss Fallows
TA: Mrs Younis
Happy New Year Kingfishers, are you ready for another fun-filled term of learning?
We have another great story for you to enjoy in our guided reading lessons. I can't wait to share it with you all. I wonder who is going to be the most liked character? In English, we will be looking at non-fiction texts, linking these to the last half-term's learning in Science. We will look at factors, multiplying and dividing by 10/100 and perimeter in maths. Electrical Systems is the name of our new Design Technology unit. We will be looking at lots of different torches before designing and making our own. We will continue with Geography lessons and will be learning about where our power comes from.
Important updates
Swimming continues each Thursday morning from the week beginning 6th January, for 6 weeks. We want children to have as much time in the swimming pool as possible. Adults- if it is possible, can all children with long hair, please have it put into a bun for swimming. This makes it easier and quicker to put swimming caps on. As we go swimming first (9am), there is the option for children to have swimming costumes/kit on under their school uniforms. This will help us make the most of our time at the pool.
All children will complete a times-table test during the first week back. All children took home their personal times-table heat maps before we broke up for Christmas. These show what progress children have made over a period of time. If anyone would like to speak to me about how the heatmap works, please just ask. We will continue to practise times-tables each morning on TTRS, and we will also complete a times-tables activity each afternoon to maximise practice time. Each child will be sent home with an appropriate times-table to learn. Please can all children continue to practice times-tables at home for 5 minutes a day. We have made good progress, and I am very proud of you all. Let's keep up the good work and impress Mrs Hodge!
Spellings will continue to be sent home each week and children will be tested the following week. From the week commencing 6th January, all children will have a spellings card attached to their reading journals. This will show you their weekly spelling test scores. Please can all children continue to learn the spellings each week. This really does help in all subjects. If spellings have been lost, there are spare copies in the ‘home time tray’.
It would be beneficial if all children had an old t-shirt in school for when we do any art/design technology. This would help keep the uniform clean and in good condition. Please can all t-shirts have children's names on them. I will store t-shirts in a box in my cupboard.
Things to remember
Your child has been given a home reading book and a library book and reading record. We aim to change books each week on a Tuesday. Please read with them at least 3 times a week, but more often if possible. After reading, please fill in their reading record, adding the date and pages they have read. Children receive raffle tickets for every 5 reads (signed by an adult). These are placed in a draw for a golden ticket for the reading tea party!
We have PE on Wednesday's, where we will be learning skills relating to many different sports. Please remember to bring your PE kits to school. PE kits should be brought in at the start of term and left at school until the holidays-when we will send them home.
If you have any questions at all about supporting your child, or anything else, please don't hesitate to contact us.
If there is any other information you need, please do not hesitate to ask.
Miss Fallows