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2- Swallows

Welcome to Swallows 2

Teachers: Mrs Fielden and Mrs Horner

Teaching Assistants: Miss Hayhurst and Miss Wright

Swallows Curriculum Information
Swallows Photos and Videos

Welcome to Swallows 2!

Spring Term 1 

 Welcome back after our break.
Our history led topic this half-term is ' SPACE INVADERS'.  We will be learning all about the achievements of Neil Armstrong, why he is a significant person and changes within space technology. 
In English, we will be writing instructions on how to look after plants. In Maths, we are exploring money.

In DT, we will evaluate, design and make moon buggies exploring wheels and axles!
 In English, we are reading 'The Man on the Moon' by Simon Bartram.

Our Class Novel is 'The Cookie Culprit' by Zanib Mian.

P.E. Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.

Please make sure your child has the correct kit in school.

How you can help...Try and listen to your child read every day, talk about the text and any new words you find! Log in to Oxford Owl and help your child find their ebook. If your child is in the guided reading group they should change their book at least once per week. Please sign their reading record book. For maths, practise counting forward and backward in 2, 5 10.

Forest School 

If your child is taking part in forest school this term, they will be attending every Wednesday afternoon. Children need to come to school dressed in appropriate clothes and must have wellies in school.


Swallows have already achieved their Joy of Joy reward for their wonderful learning behaviours! We have never had a class reach this achievement so quickly. Well done!

Look at the photos in our album to see our fun in action! Even Mrs Holgate came to visit us and joined in the fun 

Weekly Timetable