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3- Doves

Welcome to Doves 3

Teacher: Miss Cregg

TA: Mrs Driver


Doves Curriculum Information
Doves Photos and Videos

Welcome to Year 3! (2024-2025)

Hello and welcome to Doves class! We are very excited to be in the juniors'! We would love to share our learning journey with you and hope that our class page gives you a useful insight into our life at school.

On our class page, you will find curriculum information, photos and videos of our learning and trips, and lots more! Any messages and updates for parents/carers can also be found in the "Parents/Carers" folder. 

Communication is the key to your child's success - if you have any concerns or questions about how your child is finding year 3, please feel free to come and speak to Miss Cregg (class teacher) or Mrs Driver (TA) by phoning the school office or at the end of the school day. We would love to chat with you!

Thank you,

Miss Cregg & Mrs Driver