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Welcome to Early Years Foundation Stage at Barden Primary School.  We develop children’s independence, confidence, resilience, curiosity and lots more.  We love learning and have so much fun as we learn and play.  In the two reception classes we work from the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (Development Matters 2021).  The children develop through playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically. 

There are 7 areas of learning:

The 3 Prime Areas - 

Personal, social and emotional development

We aim to support children to make positive relationships, build confidence and self-awareness, and manage their feelings and behaviour.

Physical development

We aim to support them to move confidently using both fine and gross motor skills and to understand how to look after themselves and be healthy.


We encourage and support the children to communicate through stories, have conversations with adults and their friends, or through facial expression, movement or dance.

There are 5 Specific Areas which provide children with knowledge and skills to flourish in society.


Children will be taught the early skills of reading and writing.  Comprehension – children understanding and comprehending the words they read and hear.  Learning to read words through a phonetic approach and learning ‘tricky letters’ and writing, which involves transcription including spelling and handwriting. We aim to develop a life-long love of reading.


We will teach children to count confidently, develop a deep understanding of the numbers to 10, the relationships between them and the patterns within those numbers.

Understanding the World

People, Culture, and Communities - In this area we will teach children to broaden their understanding of different people including their cultures, religious beliefs, and their individual contributions to society.

The Natural World – We will teach children to explore the natural world, to help them understand the seasons and living organisms. 

Past and Present – We will teach children to look at the past and present, to talk about similarities and differences.

Expressive Arts and Design

We will be encouraging children to expand their imagination and the ability to express themselves.  Children will experiment with different ways to make or present art.  Children will attempt to make their own pictures, come up with their own ideas and ways to express themselves.  They will use different kinds of materials and media.  

The children are immersed in lots of practical, first-hand learning experiences through which they are encouraged to explore, experiment and develop their language. The children use both the indoor and outdoor classroom during teacher directed and child initiated times.  Each week come rain or shine, we put on our wellies and head outdoors, learning through our wonderful outdoor environment!

What to expect in the EYFS - Parent Guide

We work hard at Barden to provide a quality, stimulating learning environment for our children in EYFS.  Have a look at some of our provision:

Photos coming soon ….