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About the Nest @ Barden

The Nest @ Barden

The Nest @ Barden is a special educational needs unit primarily supporting pupils with social, communication and interaction needs. 

Parents want provision that focuses on the individual needs of their child, has a highly structured, yet flexible learning environment and employs experienced educators who are knowledgeable about special educational needs and autism. They also want a school with high ambitions for their child, strong role models and an inclusive environment that sets their child up well for the future. The problem is that some of these characteristics might best be provided for in specialist provision and others in more mainstream school settings. 

The Nest at Barden bridges the gap between the two. Still under the realms of a mainstream school, we provide specialist teaching, a ‘calmer’ environment and smaller classes with access to therapeutic as well as academic interventions and resources to support each child in achieving their potential. 

Children will develop strategies and make behavioural and academic progress in line with their Educational Health and Care Plan. They will be set short-term targets as smaller steps to meeting their annual targets, which will all be laid out in their personalised provision plan. 

Staff at The Nest will develop key worker relationships with each child and support them on their journey through primary school, including challenging them to access mainstream classrooms once they are confident in their ability and feel ready to cope using their personalised strategies and newly gained confidence. 

We will work closely with parents / carers and other professionals to ensure every child has the right provision map in place and access to the best interventions. We believe in positive and regular contact with parents and carers to share the small steps of achievement and endeavour to share ‘best practice’ and strategies which the children can take away from the classroom and use in their everyday lives.