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6- Eagles

Welcome to Eagles 6

Teacher: Mrs Arshad & Mr Coombs

Teaching Assistant: Miss Nadeem

Welcome back to your final term inYear 6.

This summer term will be filled with a range of experiences: SATs, Borwick Hall residential trip, Year 6 production/ leaver’s assembly, swimming, Year 6 trip and Forest School.

Image result for KS2 SATS

This year, SATs week will take place on the week beginning Monday 13th May. 

 Monday 13th May - Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

Tuesday 14th May - Reading

Wednesday 15th May - Maths Paper 1 and Maths Paper 2

Thursday 16th May - Maths Paper 3

 Throughout the week, please ensure that your child arrives at school, on time - they should be in their classroom promptly at 8:35. It is really important that your child arrives on time as all the Year 6 children will be sharing a breakfast together. This will allow them to physically and mentally prepare themselves to ensure that they will be ready to confidently approach the tests. 

Image result for Wonder Book Auggie

English- The children started reading 'Wonder' by R. J. Palacio last half term. Now we will be using this great text as stimulus, we will be writing diary entries, letters and stories incorporating meaningful dialogue into our pieces. Our focus will be creating cohesive pieces of writing, carefully selecting vocabulary to enhance the action, and aiming to entertain! Within all pieces of writing, grammar, vocabulary and spelling underpin our aims, but we want the children to enjoy crafting and creating interesting and memorable pieces.

Fonthill Primary Academy - Forest School

Forest School- This term we will be visiting The Forest School. This is a great opportunity to be outdoors, working in teams, friendships, resilience and give us a chance to ‘push’ our limitations. So exciting!!!



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