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5 - Puffins

Welcome to Puffins 5 

Teacher: Miss Barker

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hodge

Puffins Curriculum Information
Puffins Photos and Videos

We hope you have had a lovely break and are ready for the final term in Year 5!

Summer 1

Our topic this half-term is 'Crime and Punishment'. We will go on a journey through different time periods to learn about how crime and punishment has changed throughout history, including: The Romans, The Anglo-Saxons, The Tudors and The Victorians. In English, we will be reading 'The Invention of Hugo Cabret' and writing our own narratives inspired by the story. In Science, we will continue learning all about the human life cycle in our 'Animals including humans' unit. After that, we will then begin our 'Forces' unit, where we will learn about the effect of a number of forces, including: gravity, air resistance, water resistance and friction. In D&T, we will investigate two different mechanisms called cams and pulleys. Linked to our history topic, we will then design our own guillotine and ducking stool.

Our class novel this half-term is 'The Windrush Child'.

Windrush Child: a moving tale from BAFTA-award-winning Benjamin Zephaniah: 1


Please find below our curriculum overview for Summer 1.