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4- Kingfishers

Welcome to Year 4 

Teacher: Mr Cranston

TA: Miss Collins

Hello everyone and welcome to our homepage. We look forward to sharing all our wonderful learning with you this year.

There are many ways you can share in your child's learning and help us to help them achieve their full potential in Y4. These are as follows:


We gave out the spelling booklet at the start of the year, and we test these words on Friday each week. We also work on these words during the week in class, but please help your child learn them at home as well, so they can become as confident as possible with them.


Your child has been given a home reading book and reading record. Please read with them at least 3 times a week, but more often if possible. After reading, please fill in their reading record, adding the date and pages they have read. Children receive raffle tickets for every 5 reads (signed by an adult). These are placed in a draw for a golden ticket for the reading tea party!

 Times Table Practise

The children have all got a login for Times Table Rock Stars and Purple Mash. They can use this to help them with their learning. We test their times tables with a quiz every Wednesday. Any help you can give them in this area really makes a difference in their maths lessons and will help them in the Y4 tables test in June


Our PE lessons are on Tuesday and Thursday this year.  PE kit should be brought in at the start of term and left in school until the holidays-when we will send them home. 

If you have any questions at all about supporting your child, or anything else, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Spring 2

Knowledge Organisers

At the bottom of the page you will find knowledge organisers for some of our current topics. 


In English, ​we will be looking at the text ’Gulliver’s travels’. We will eventually write our own stories using talk for writing and will innovate parts of the story, using our year 4 skills and powerful vocabulary.​


Our main focus at the moment is fractions. The children are beginning to work out when fractions are equivalent using number lines and fraction walls. After that we will be focusing on decimals, money and time.  Kingfishers are also working really hard on learning their tables at the moment. Any help you can give them at home will be incredibly useful.


Our current unit is sound. We will look at how sound travels, what the different parts of a sound wave tell us, and how to find relationships between instruments and the pitch of sound they produce. After finishing this topic, we will start learning about solids, liquids and gases, and how they change between these states. We will also study the water cycle.​


In geography, we will learn all about volcanoes and earthquakes. We will look at tectonic plates and what causes an earthquake. We will also look at why volcanoes erupt and how they can affect people’s lives.​



In DT we will be investigating and building bridges. We will look at different types of bridge and investigate shell and frame structures. We will also learn about nets for 3D shapes​.



Kingfishers Curriculum Information
Kingfishers Photos and Videos