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2- Wagtails

Welcome to Wagtails 2 

Teacher: Miss Butterworth

Teaching Assistant: Miss Hayhurst

Please find all the information you will need for our class below, including a class timetable. If you need any further information, please don't hesitate to contact us.

If you would like to make an appointment, please contact the school office or come to see us at the beginning/end of a school day - We are happy to help!

Summer 1

This half-term our topic is Brilliant Burnley. We will be learning all about why Burnley is such a great place to live. 
In English, we are looking at the book Wind in the Willows. In Maths, we are exploring Fractions and Length and Height.

Daily Reading:

Children are expected to read five times a week, as per the English Lead's advice. Parents/Guardians should sign their children's Reading Record when they have read with their children. Please access Oxford Owl to read with your children online, as well as reading their book bag book.

Times Tables:

This year, children will be introduced to the 2, 5 and 10 Times Tables. We will regularly practise these in class and will also teach the children songs to remember them. Please, where possible, could you encourage your children in learning these.


Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school. This should not be taken home until the end of the term, unless it needs washing.

Class Timetable:

Wagtails Curriculum Information
Wagtails Photos and Videos